Key Dates
Monday 19th July
Pupil Reports sent home for children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 & Year 2
Tuesday 20th July
Pupil Reports sent home for children in Year 3 to Year 6
Reception Mufti day
Wednesday 21st July
Class changeover day — the children spend the afternoon in their new class for September
Year 6 Leavers' Party in school, 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Thursday 22nd July
Year 6 Leavers' Assemblies
Year 5 Mufti day
Friday 23rd July — last day of term & mufti (non-uniform) day
SCHOOL CLOSES AT 1:30 pm Staggered dismissal times will be in place (see below)
Monday 26th July – Tuesday 31st August
Wednesday 1st September
Start of the autumn term — INSET Day — children are not in school
Thursday 2nd September
Children return to school
After School Clubs
This week was the last week for most after school clubs for this term. Monday clubs (Just 4 Kicks Infant Football, Technokids and Magpie Makes Sewing) will have their final session on Monday 19th July.
Year Group Newsletters
Dismissal arrangements
On Friday 23rd July, school will close early. To manage footfall on the school site, collection times will be staggered as follows:
1:25 pm — Year 1 & Year 4
1:30 pm — Year 5 & Reception
1:35 pm — Year 3 & Year 2
1:40 pm — Year 6
If your child is attending Tree Tops on this day, don’t forget the session will run from the end of the school day and end promptly at 4:30 pm.
It’s not too late to book one of the exciting activities happening at Fern Hill over the summer holiday break — there is something running most weeks. Please see the website here for further information.
Next week, we begin our transition to the autumn term with class changeover day on Wednesday 21st July when the children will spend time with their new class teacher for September, and we welcome our new Reception children into school for a Meet the Teacher session. You will have received a letter on Thursday 15th July from Mr Scott with the name of your child's new class and class teacher.
From Monday 19th July, we will be sending home the children's End of Year Reports which detail their attainment and effort in all areas of the curriculum and their progress in English and mathematics. The reports will be sent via Tapestry for children in Nursery and Reception and ParentPay for children in Years 1 through to 6; if you have not received your child’s report by 3:00 pm on Wednesday 21st July, please let the school office know.
Please be aware that for the last week of term, the COVID-19 protocol and control measures we have had in place in school will continue to operate. The children will remain in their year group bubbles and there will be no change to the current drop off and collection times for each class. For the safety of the whole community over the next few days, please continue to wear a face covering and socially distance on the school site. Staff will continue to wear face coverings in the school, in communal areas where it is not always possible to socially distance.
Clubs & Tree Tops
After school & lunchtime clubs
We are delighted to be able to offer our usual full range of extracurricular clubs for the autumn term for children in Years 1 through to 6 with something for everyone including sport, art and crafts, singing and keyboards, science, computing, chess, and languages. Bookings are now open.
For school run clubs, payment must be made through ParentPay and an Application Form completed.
For clubs run by external providers, bookings should be made directly with the providers and not school.
For further details of all the clubs and how to book, please see the school website here.
Tree Tops wraparound care
Tree Tops will open for the autumn term on Thursday 2nd September and booking is now available for breakfast and after school sessions. In line with the planned easing of government restrictions and revised Department for Education guidelines, we can offer increased capacity and a more flexible booking system.
Booking is now through ParentPay and bookings can be made up to three days in advance. Payment can be made through ParentPay or using Childcare Vouchers or Tax-free Childcare payments.
The way we process Childcare Vouchers and Tax-free Childcare payments is changing so if you do not already use them but plan to in the future, please email us to let us know as soon as possible at: Further information on paying with Childcare Vouchers or Tax-free Childcare payments is here on the website.
The Tree Tops Home School Agreement has been amended in line with the changes we have made and our terms and conditions of booking have been updated. A copy of the new Home School Agreement is available here.
Please see Tree Tops on the website for full details.
Lunches for the Autumn Term
Lunches for the first half of the autumn term are now available to order online via ParentPay. You can find the menu on ParentPay and information on how to book on our website here.
To help us ensure availability of your child's choice of meal, please place your order as soon as possible for at least the first two weeks of term. In line with government guidelines and funding for Free School Meals, the charge for a school lunch has risen by 5p per meal to £2.35.
Order Deadlines
Deadline to order for Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd September: midnight Sunday 22nd August
Deadline to order for Monday 6th — Friday 10th September: midnight Sunday 29th August
Deadline to order for Monday 13th — Friday 17th September: midnight Sunday 5th September
The overall winner this week is KINGSTON
PSA News & Events
Uniform Sale
We will be running a second hand uniform sale on Wednesday 21st July from 2:30 – 4:00 pm and would welcome any pre-loved items, particularly in smaller sizes to fit children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Please bring any donations to school on Monday 21st July when we will be on site to collect them at drop off and pick up. Thank you.
We also need lots of volunteers to help at the sale. If you are available next Wednesday, and can spare an hour or two from 1:30 – 4:30 pm, please let us know by email at: